Introducing My New Site and Portfolio: Showcasing Software Engineering and AI Projects

Published on 16-2-2023

I’m excited to announce the launch of my new site and portfolio, where I will showcase my projects in software engineering, artificial intelligence, and other related areas. This site is built using SvelteKit, a modern web development framework, and hosted on GitHub Pages, a free and popular platform for static websites.

My goal with this site and portfolio is to share my experience and knowledge with other developers, as well as connect with potential employers and collaborators. I believe that creating a personal website is an excellent way to demonstrate one’s skills and expertise.

With SvelteKit, I was able to create a fast and SEO-friendly site that supports static site generation, making it easy to add new content and update existing pages. I’m also using GitHub Pages to host the site, which provides a free and convenient way to deploy static websites.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be adding new content to the site, including detailed descriptions of my projects, code samples, tutorials, and other resources. I’ll also be sharing my thoughts and insights on various topics related to software engineering and artificial intelligence.

Thank you for visiting. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions.

© 2023 Georg Groenendaal